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First resume - ABZ ONLINE in home office since March 2020

11 March 2021

It was not an easy decision...


We did not know how the situation would develop. Sales were down, but costs were almost the same.


So we decided to reduce infrastructure costs and invest in Internet telephony and productivity tools. We also increased our already strong focus on cloud services.


Three years later, we can say that this decision has paid off. We consistently deliver good performance, maintain communication with customers and employees in the same way, and have even increased our productivity.


Our main server is located in an on-site data center, and the data is backed up daily on an external storage device. Furthermore, all project data is backed up daily in another data center.


Status quo or long-term solution?


We do not know. The industry as a whole is under great pressure, as the volume of translations is growing, and artificial intelligence will fundamentally change the business.


Being lean ...


That is our motto for the future. Investing in technology rather than infrastructure. Lean structures increase flexibility and keep costs low. Price is not everything, but it remains a significant factor for our customers.