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Fachübersetzungen in 50 Dateiformate
Wir übersetzen Ihre Wordpress-Website
Ihr Partner für Übersetzungen

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Wir übersetzen, lokalisieren und bieten zahlreiche weitere Dienstleistungen rund um die Internationalisierung Ihres Unternehmens an.
Wir übersetzen in mehr als 50 Dateiformate, CMS-Systeme wie Drupal, Wordpress usw.
Verbessern Sie Ihre SEO-Positionierung weltweit mittels multilingualer und SEO optimierter Newsletter

Multilingual Newsletters and Blogs

03 March 2021

A newsletter rarely stands alone...

For those who prioritize organic growth and website promotion, having a blog or newsletter page is essential to increasing the presence of the company's website through a variety of articles.


However, this can become a labor-intensive task when operating a multilingual website.



Good news for all businesses with multilingual WordPress websites!


We have the perfect solution for businesses using the WordPress content management system.


We will link our cloud-based translation database to your website.


Periodically, we will be notified when new articles are published, which we will automatically translate according to the agreed conditions and import back into WordPress. - All you need to do is press the "Publish" button, and your newsletters and blog articles will be published in multiple languages.


Fördern Sie die natürliche Positionierung Ihrer Website mithilfe multilingualer Newsletter die SEO-optimiert sind.


Multilingual newsletter translation to fit your budget


We have a solution for every budget.


Smart Basic Newsletter


  • Automatic article export and import

  • Translation using professional databases with the application of artificial intelligence


Starting at 8 Euro/article and language (maximum 1000 words)


Smart Newsletter


  • Automatic export and import of articles

  • Translation using professional databases with the application of artificial intelligence

  • Final layout and QA check, categorization and tagging


Starting at 12 Euro/article and language (maximum 1000 words)


Smart & Proof Newsletter


  • Automatic export and import of articles

  • Translation using professional databases with the application of artificial intelligence

  • Post-editing by a native speaker

  • Final layout check, categorization, and label assignment

Starting from 10 Euro/article and language + Post-editing rate starting from 0.02 Euro/word


Smart & Quality Newsletter


  • Automatic export and import of articles

  • Translation by a qualified native speaker

  • Final layout check, categorization, and label assignment



Starting from 0.08 Euro/word


Interested in a flat rate?


For certain language combinations, we offer a flat rate per article and language. Simply ask us for more details.


SEO Optimization


If desired, we can also provide multilingual SEO optimization for your articles.

This includes:

  • Brief description of the article
  • Keywords
  • Title
  • Short title


Final note


For SEO optimization, categorization, label assignment, and layout check, we will need editor access to your content management system.

Example of using "Smart Newsletter"


The company LegaleGo uses Smart Newsletter for partial translation of their newsletters into English.

LegaleGO Nutrition