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Mit diesen Zertifizierungen nach ISO 17100 und 18587 tun wir einen wichtigen Schritt in die Zukunft.

We certify according to ISO 17100 and ISO 18587

24 February 2021

We are embarking on the certification process for these two standards this spring.


We have prepared ourselves and are ready to start. We already meet most of the requirements, which is why we are approaching the certification process with confidence.



ISO 17100: Quality management in the selection and use of translation services


A well-trained, quality-focused project management team, equipped with the right tools and experienced staff, is at the heart of every office.

Furthermore, it is of utmost importance to be able to rely on motivated and competent service providers, which I would describe as the lungs of every office.


If an office grows organically in this way, it will be able to provide the service that clients are looking for, and there will be no obstacles to long-term cooperation.


ISO 18587: Post-editing of machine translations


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in collaboration with translation industry professionals, has responded to this development by issuing a new internationally recognized translation-related standard:

Translation services - Post-editing of machine translation - Requirements. It specifies the conditions and requirements for editing machine translations.

Definition of full post-editing vs. light post-editing


ISO standard 18587 distinguishes between comprehensive post-editing and light post-editing.


The former produces a product that can be compared to a text translated by a professional translator. The latter results in an understandable text with correct content.


Ultimately, the end customer determines the desired quality. For example, internal communications, e-commerce product descriptions, newsletters, and blogs can be suitable for machine translation. However, for manuals, instructions, etc., comprehensive post-editing is recommended.


However, it is still not advisable to use machine translation for marketing materials, contracts, patents, colloquial, and literary texts that are rich in metaphors.


Data classification is always necessary to ensure the confidentiality and data protection of personal data beforehand.


Post-editors must have the same qualifications as translators


According to ISO standard 18587, professional translators are employed for post-editing, similar to ISO 17100. Therefore, a language service provider must be able to demonstrate that their post-editors possess the same linguistic qualifications and have experience in post-editing.


Preparatory measures, known as "pre-editing," for project suitability assessment


Machine translation tools are integrated into the existing translation process where appropriate and agreed upon with the end customer. Professional pre-editing is required prior to project approval.


Project managers and post-editors must receive comprehensive training. Neural machine translation continually learns and improves. It is important to have an assessment conducted by a qualified professional translator. This translator, in collaboration with the project manager, must be able to determine whether post-editing will achieve the desired text quality or if translation without machine support is preferable. Additionally, the subject area and language combination also play a crucial role.